Rambler's Top100 Here you may download samples of Music Sheet Paper (A4 (PDF, PostScript) for printing, and also the source MetaPost file for any paper sizes.

Archive with samples in PDF format — [RAR] {9,42 Kb}
Archive with samples in EPS format — [RAR] {3,24 Kb}
PostScript file for ordinaty music sheet (A4) — [EPS] {4,32 Kb}
PostScript file for music sheet with subsidiary lines (А4) — [EPS] {13,9 Kb}
PostScript file for music sheet with subsidiary lines (in dots) (А4) — [EPS] {14,4 Kb}
PDF, ordinaty music sheet, version 1 (А4) — [PDF] {1,96 Kb}
PDF, ordinaty music sheet, version 2 (А4) — [PDF] {2,73 Kb}
PDF, music sheet with subsidiary lines, version 1 (А4) — [PDF] {2,88 Kb}
PDF, music sheet with subsidiary lines, version 2 (А4) — [PDF] {3,73 Kb}
PDF, music sheet with subsidiary lines (in dots), version 1 (А4) — [PDF] {2,92 Kb}
PDF, music sheet with subsidiary lines (in dots), version 2 (А4) — [PDF] {3,77 Kb}
Source file in the MetaPost format — [MetaPost] {3,60 Kb}

Using the source file you may get the music sheet paper of all types and formats: with any number of staves on a page, with any nubmer of lines on staff and for paper of different demies. If you do not know how work with MetaPost system, but you need the sheet paper of some format, write me in my guest book or by e-mail: ­­q­p­a­t­h­e­t­i­c­@­y­a­.­r­u­­!­ ­:­)­

The approximate outward appearance of the printed music sheets:
(first two samples are with subsidiary lines):

Music sheet paper for printing (PDF) Music sheet paper for printing (PDF) Music sheet paper for printing (PDF) 
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