< -->

.model tiny
org 100h
SCALE_H equ 7
SCALE_V equ 9
start proc near
	mov di, offset cos_table
	mov ebx, 16777137
	mov cx, 2048
	call build_table
	mov ax, 0013h
	int 10h
	mov ax, 1012h
	mov bx, 70h
	mov cx, 4
	mov dx, offset palette
	int 10h
	push 0A000h
	pop es
	call display_picture
	mov dx, 5000
	xor cx, cx
	mov ah, 86h
	int 15h
	mov ah, 11h
	int 16h
	jz main_loop
	mov ax, 0003h
	int 10h
start	endp
build_table proc near
	mov dword ptr [di+4], ebx
	sub cx, 2
	add di, 8
	mov eax, ebx
	imul ebx
	shrd eax, edx, 23
	sub eax, dword ptr [di-8]
	loop build_table_loop
build_table	endp
display_picture proc near
	call move_point
	mov bp, 73h
	mov bx, 3
	call draw_point
	dec bp
	dec bx
	call draw_point
	dec bp
	dec bx
	call draw_point
	dec bp
	dec bx
	call draw_point
display_picture	endp
draw_point proc near
	movzx cx, byte ptr point_x[bx]
	movzx dx, byte ptr point_y[bx]
	call putpixel_13h
draw_point	endp
move_point proc near
	inc word ptr time
	and word ptr time, 2047
	mov eax, dword ptr point_x
	mov ebx, dword ptr point_y
	mov dword ptr point_x[1], eax
	mov dword ptr point_y[1], ebx
	mov di, word ptr time
	imul di, di, SCALE_H
	and di, 2047
	shl di, 2
	mov ax, 50
	mul word ptr cos_table[di+2]
	mov dx, 0A000h
	sub dx, ax
	mov byte ptr point_x, dh
	mov di, word ptr time
	imul di, di, SCALE_V
	add di, 256      ;512-=-=-=256
	and di, 2047
	shl di, 2
	mov ax, 50
	mul word ptr cos_table[di+2]
	mov dx, 06400h
	sub dx, ax
	mov byte ptr point_y, dh
move_point	endp
putpixel_13h proc near
	push di
	mov ax, dx
	shl ax, 8
	mov di, dx
	shl di, 6
	add di, ax
	add di, cx
	mov ax, bp
	pop di
putpixel_13h	endp
point_x	db 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
point_y	db 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
	db ?
time	dw	0
palette	db	3Fh, 3Fh, 3Fh
	db	30h, 30h, 30h
	db	20h, 20h, 20h
	db	10h, 10h, 10h
cos_table	dd	1000000h
	end	start
